Monday, January 30, 2012

Up and Coming: Things to Watch in the Eve Meta

 The Crucible expansion brought an amazing amount of changes to Eve. So many its going to take a long time for the community to sort out the efficacy of these changes. Here are a few things to look out for:

  The Gallente

  I've been running the numbers, as well as field tests and all I can say is watch out! Gallente ships now do as much damage with rails and drones as most other races do with short range guns... At a superior distance! Worse yet, if you are unlucky enough to actually get caught up close to a blaster fit ship the damage output is simply overwhelming.

I think once the complainers fade players may actually start saying the Gal are too powerful now.

  The Naga

 High range? High damage? Yes, I'll take it! Its about time there was another reason to fly Caldari ships besides the Drake and Falcon. Sadly, even with the addition of the Naga I can still count all of the Caldari's viable PvP ships on one hand.

 Maybe CCP devs will get wild and give the Moa, Eagle, and Ferox this same bonus! We can always dream, right?

  The Moros

 For older pilots with all relevant skills trained to level 5 this ship has become the capital beast of the skies. Why you ask? Sure, Super Caps and Titans do more damage, but they can't be docked or insured -needless to say, they cost a whole hell of a lot more the a dreadnought, too. When comparing apples to apples, the DPS on the Moros is so far ahead of the other dreads right now its not even funny.

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